Bike Tours

Bike your way into the national park. Soak up the scenery on two wheels and visit the parks hidden gems off the beaten track.

Jump into the text and read about:

Fjord Trail | Ice Age Route | Monks’ Road | Panorama Route | Pontoppidan Route | Romance on a Bike | Cycling in the Forests | Mountain Biking 

The Fjord Trail

The Fjord Trail is a 275 km long nature bike path that you can follow all the way around the fjord landscape along Roskilde Fjord. The bike path takes you many places close to the coast, where you can see the water ripple and feel the breeze from the fjord.

The Fjord Trail routes within the national park stretch from Frederikssund to Roskilde (38 km) and from Roskilde to Holbæk (47 km). The Fjord Trail is marked with small blue bike signs and has route number 40.

The many kilometers of bike routes offer plenty of opportunities to combine the trip with other experiences, such as landscape lookouts, museum visits, or gourmet experiences.

In the national park's app or web map, you can see the routes and the places you pass by.

The Ice Age Route

The Ice Age Route is a total of 390 km long bike route in the national park and further around the West Zealand Ice Age landscape. Along the route, you can find stories about how ice and meltwater shaped the landscape and about the people who settled there.

You can see the entire route in the national park's app or web map - and here you can find points of interest you pass on your way.

The Monks’ Trail

The bike route takes you past historically Christian sites. In Denmark, the route is marked with route number 88. The route starts in Germany at Glückstadt and ends in Roskilde at Roskilde Cathedral.

The route is divided into stages of 15 to 35 km and offers a varied course along small roads, paths, and recreational routes.

See the route and read more in the national park's app or web map.

The Panorama Route

On this 29 km long tour, you follow the fjord, pass through forests and village idylls in places like Herslev, Kattinge, and Sankt Jørgensbjerg.

Drive through the beautiful Sct. Hans area, enjoy the view of Roskilde Fjord. You can combine the trip with a visit to Herslev Brewery or Café Sct. Hans Have as well as dip in the fjord from Herslev Strand.

Read more about the route and find a map in the national park's app or web map.

The Pontoppidan Route

This bike route passes through the northern end of the national park in the footsteps of Henrik Pontoppidan. The route is 21.5 kilometers long and takes you around beautiful Hornsherred - an area that inspired the author Henrik Pontoppidan.

The Danish author Henrik Pontoppidan (1857-1943) received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1917 for depictions of daily life in Denmark. The novels The Promised Land and Lucky Per are inspired by everyday life among the rural population in the area. Henrik Pontoppidan lived in Østby with his family.

On the route, you cycle through the landscape that Henrik Pontoppidan wrote about in his texts. The route consists of seven selected places in Hornsherred that all have had significance for Pontoppidan's literary works.You can read about these places and their stories on signs along the route.

Read more and see a map of the route in the national park's app or web map.

Romance on a Bike

This charming bike route is 15 km long and for everyone - especially love-struck couples of all ages. The trip takes 2-3 hours and runs along winding forest roads and old country roads. Pack a picnic basket, enjoy nature and each other in the national park with forests, fjords, and open land.

The route is a round trip that begins and ends at Roskilde Harbor. Read more about the route in the national park's app or web map.

Cycling in the Forests

In Boserup Forest, there are many forest paths where it is possible to cycle. Regional bike route number 88 goes through Boserup Forest, taking you past both Lerskrænten with a view of the fjord and deep into the hilly landscape.

There are also several marked bike routes through Bidstrupskovene south of Hvalsø. For example, both the Ice Age Route and Monk's Road go through the forest. Here, you cycle up and down in a landscape created during the Ice Age, past clearings, and on the way, you can take a plunge in the pristine waters of the lake, Avnsø.

Mountain Biking in the National Park

There are mountain bike trails in both Boserup Forest and Bidstrupskovene. At Heide Overdrev in Bidstrupskovene, you will find perhaps Zealand's most technical MTB trail The White Trail. The trail offers 10 km of sharp turns, steep climbs, and plenty of vertical meters for experienced mountain bikers - but also fun opportunities for beginners.

Boserup MTB trail is another 10 km long single track that goes around the entire forest. The difficulty level is moderate and includes opportunities for cornering techniques with shorter, technical descents and turns.

Plan Your Bike Tour

The special nature and cultural gems in National Park Skjoldungernes Land are for all of us. We must collectively help each other take care of nature, culture, and the people who live and have their everyday lives in the area.

As a cyclist in Denmark, you are allowed to cycle on roads and paths in forests and on dirt roads in the open country. Remember to show consideration for other traffic. Many forests and fields in the national park are privately owned. They may be closed due to hunting or other reasons. Orient yourself on the signs set up on-site and respect the rules.

© Photographers: Visit Fjordlandet; Sarah Green; Ole Malling; Karina Kalstad; Jacob Lisbygd; Lejre Kommune; Astrid Bjørg Mortensen